MATH 341, Abstract Algebra
Course Documents
Reading Questions
Supplementary Notes
- The Definition of a Commutative Ring, hand-out for 4.3-II, Abstract Commutative Rings
- The Complex Numbers, Gaussian Integers, and Eisenstein Integers (Ch 3), to supplement 4.3-III, Units and Fields
- The Subring Criterion, to supplement 4.3-IV, Subrings and Subfields
- The Structure of the Integers (1.3, 2.1), to supplement 5.1-I, Domains
- Formal Polynomials and Polynomial Functions, to supplement 5.2
- Characterization and Uniqueness of GCDs in k[x], k a field, to supplement 6.1-III, GCDs, Euclid's Lemma, Euclidean Algorithm in k[x]
- Complex Powers and Roots (3.3), to supplement 6.2-II, Roots of Unity
- Examples of Algebraic Extensions, to supplement 7.2-II, Algebraic Extensions
- Galois Theorem, to supplement 7.2-IV, Splitting Fields and the Classification of Finite Fields
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Math Major at Bethel University